The Grief Recovery Institute is proud to offer Private Certification Training Programs, in addition to those open trainings held in North America and Abroad.
We have provided such training within Corporations, the Military, Native American and First Nation communities, Addiction Treatment Programs, Mental Health Organizations, Hospice and Palliative Care Providers, and Funeral Service Professionals. The effectiveness of this training has been noted in articles in Time, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, People, MSNBC, The Today Show, and CNN, to name just a few media platforms. A study done by Kent State University has established The Grief Recovery Method to be an Evidence Based Program, and it is considered an “evidence-informed, practice-based program that has been shown to effectively influence components of grief and grief recovery.”
Grief is one of the normal and natural responses to every major change that people experience during their lifetime. While many people associate the word “grief” with a death, such emotional pain can also be related to divorce, the loss of a pet, a change in working situation, traumatic events, moving, and a wide variety of other life experiences.
People talk about the need for resiliency when faced with difficulty, challenging, or painful life events. Resiliency is about our ability to bounce back from, or the capacity, to recover quickly from difficulties we face in life. Inherent in this is having the necessary tools and life skills needed to face these challenges or the emotionally painful losses experienced in life. In working with people around the world for over 45 years, we know that people are taught how to acquire things in life but not what to do when we lose them. The Grief Recovery Method is an action-based program that teaches someone grieving an emotionally painful experience the tools and life skills necessary to build resilience in the face of life's difficulties.
Our Grief Recovery Index, published in 2003, and positively reviewed by the Wall Street Journal, calculated that over $75 billion was lost in the workplace due to the reduced productivity of those employees dealing with matters of personal loss. Admittedly, this study is several years old, but those costs have hardly decreased with time. We are currently involved in a several year process of updating this information and the data collected thus far indicates that this number now tops over $100 billion in direct economic loss to businesses and organizations annually in the United States. The indirect impacts of grief in the workplace are in the hundreds of billions of dollars annually.
The minimum number of participants for a private Certification Training is 12.
The maximum number of participants for a private Certification Training is 20.
The minimum number of participants for a private Certification Training is 12.
The maximum number of participants for a private Certification Training is 20.
People come to us not only to help others, but because their lives were devastated by personal loss. Having gone through grief, they know how hard it can be and want to help others who are also grieving.
The Grief Recovery Certification Training will give you the tools you need to effectively help grievers recover from loss as well as an opportunity for personal healing. The program was developed by someone who was going through loss himself so this is not just a theory, but also a method that has worked for millions of people continuously for the past 40 years.
Join thousands of people and become a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist!
Founder & CEO – The Grief and Trauma Healing Center
Hospice Chaplain and
Bereavement Coordinator