Is your heart broken due to death, divorce or another painful loss?

Join our 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop and find peace again. 

You Will Laugh Again

If you found this page there is a high probability that you are suffering from a broken heart. If so, you might feel like you're stuck in a bad dream, that you don't know who you are anymore, or that you'll never laugh again. Our 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop will teach you how to heal your emotional pain and feel whole again.

What Makes Us Different

Traditional support groups encourage grievers to talk about their pain, but don’t always offer a path to recovery. During our 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop, you will be guided step-by-step through actions that are proven to heal your heart. Although there are educational components on a group level, you'll only be sharing with one trusted person.

Is the 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop Right for Me?

Whether you are heartbroken because of a major loss or a lifetime of painful experiences, one thing is for sure, you know how you feel and it probably isn’t good.

Here are examples of things people work through in the 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop: 

  • The end of a romantic relationship, no matter how long it lasted.
  • An estrangement in relationship with a friend or loved one.
  • ​A lifetime of difficulty in relationship with your mother or father.
  • ​​The death of a loved one or less than loved one.
  • ​Death of a child, miscarriage, stillborn, abortion or end of a pregnancy.
  • ​Dealing with a suicide.
  • ​Realizing life is not as happy or fulfilling as you want it to be or thought it would be.
  • ​Life as a widow or widower.
  • ​The death of a pet.
  • ​Divorce, custody issues and co-parenting.
  • ​Issues in relationships with your children.
  • ​Dealing with addiction and/or substance abuse issues.
  • ​A loved one living with Alzheimer's or dementia.
  • ​​Loss of trust, loss of safety, or loss of control of one's body (physical, verbal or sexual abuse).
  • ​The loss of your job or career.
  • And many other types of loss......
If you identify with one or a number of the things listed above, schedule your free call so we can answer your questions. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 

Before we work together, we want you to hear from clients who recently completed the Grief Recovery Method.

Here's what they had to say:

"I had gone to therapy… but just nothing was really giving me that relief that I needed. I was desperate and I needed something that worked.

What sparked me was that it was evidence based. I’m a nurse, so I really need something evidence based so I know that works.

I felt an immediate release...  and it's sustained. Even to this day I've never had that intense pain that I had in the beginning

It works!

I went through it on Zoom, I was in the back of my head like, is it more the in person interactions that would that would have helped.. On Zoom it's the same, I got the exact same relief and that actually shocked me. I was a little kinda skeptical that i would have the same dramatic relief.

There's so many losses that we don't talk about that we can use this for. It doesn't have to be a loss of a loved one. That's the most exciting piece of it. It's crazy what you what you dig up from what you uncover that can be brought to the surface to be healed

 It's incredible"

"I’m very very grateful for this experience.

During 2021, I lost my parents, I lost my sister, I lost my business, and a lot of things changed.


I decided to take Grief Recovery.

Learning to be able to let go of the hurt and the pain has really changed my life.

 I’m very grateful that I gave this gift to my myself.

I gotta tell you I saw tremendous change in all of my peers.

It's hard work, but if you're willing to do the work, you're willing to have a positive change for your life to get better"

“I just completed the Grief Recovery Method process.

If you are considering this program at all just do it. 

I was very skeptical and scared. I did not know what to expect. I looked at the website as much as I possibly could. I did the discovery phone call but there's still always an amount unknown whatever you do something like this and especially a class on something so heavy as grief.

The trainer was so unbelievably qualified to lead a group of people. Our group was an extremely close there was an immediate level of vulnerability there.

It was just a phenomenal experience.

The program is so action oriented.

I just cannot speak highly enough of this program and the institute and the method behind it

I would encourage anybody to do it

Reviews for past Grief Recovery Method particpants

So what is the 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop?

Hands On

Our 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop provides a safe environment for you to look at your old beliefs about dealing with grief, which losses have affected your life, and take actions that will heal the unresolved emotions that still cause you pain. You will be given a clear path to heal your heart and live a happier life. Each group is led by a Grief Recovery Method Expert, trained and certified by the Grief Recovery Institute AND they've all done their grief own work. We would never ask you to do something we haven't done ourselves. 
The heartache of losing a child
Overcoming a painful divorce

Straight From the Heart

Grief is the normal and natural emotional response to loss, but most information people learn about dealing with loss is intellectual. Although our 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop has some educational elements, effective Grief Recovery deals with your broken heart, which requires emotional expression rather than intellectual explanations.

Only 3 Days to a New Life!

The 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop will require some work on your part. It's an action-based group that involves reading and writing assignments outlined in The Grief Recovery Handbook – 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition. You'll meet on Zoom for three consecutive days (usually Friday, Saturday, and Sunday)

There will be homework, but it shouldn't take you more than an hour to complete. There will be a large group run by one of our facilitators, as well as smaller breakout groups that are used for sharing homework.

Each participant commits to total honestly, no judgment, criticisms or analysis. This allows a safe space for everyone. And, we don't compare one loss to another.

Healing after the death of a parent

Why You Should Take the 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop?

  • You’ll feel lighter, like you aren’t carrying the world on your shoulders.
  • You’ll experience more fulfilling relationships because you’ll be more emotionally available for the people in your life. 
  • You’ll learn how to honor your loved one and still have a happy, joyous life.
  • ​You’ll understand why sadness doesn’t have to be your new normal.
  • ​​You’ll overcome feelings of guilt, shame and regret.
  • ​You’ll learn how to let go of painful memories and emotions to make room for happy ones.
  • ​​You’ll find that grief doesn't have to be a life sentence.
  • ​You’ll become the person you are meant to be without being held back by the trauma and grief of your past.
  • ​You’ll regain a sense of purpose.
  • ​You'll experience the freedom of knowing that you don't have to live a life sentence of pain
  • ​You'll regain your lost quality of life

Will it Work For Me?

People describe the 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop as the last thing they tried and the first thing that worked.
  • This powerful method has been tested for over 40 years
  • Over a million people have used our method and it has worked for them
  • ​We are the ONLY Grief Recovery program that has been proven to be Evidence Based thanks to research at Kent State University
  • ​Our 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop is proven to work for anyone that is willing to show up and take action, so there’s no reason it won’t work for you too!

There are Over 40 Life Events That Cause Grief



Childhood Trauma

Financial Changes


Health problems



Crushed Dreams

Career Changes


Empty Nest

Who are we anyway?

40 Years and Counting

We have been refining our method for over 40 years. At last count, we have helped over 1 million grieving people between our books, phone support and all of the lives that our Grief Recovery Specialists have touched.

Evidence Based 

The Grief Recovery Method is a scientifically tested, Evidence Based Program providing grievers with a tried and true method that has been continuously refined and used time and time again over the last 40+ years. The Grief Recovery Method has been used across multiple countries and is translated in multiple languages to help those around the world heal from loss.

Grief + Recovery

No one used the words grief and recovery together until we did. The only people authorized to use the phrase are Grief Recovery Specialists who attended Grief Recovery Certification Training.

Learn more about the 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop

Losing your mom or dad
Getting you life back after your spouse dies
Healing a relationship with a living person

The 3-Day Emotional Healing Workshop will give you more than you could ever imagine, but it’s up to you to take the first step today. It’s never too soon (or too late) to regain a sense of purpose and joy in your life. Don’t wait, you deserve support, relief and freedom from your pain! Time alone won't heal your broken heart!

Are you ready to get started?